For this reason, when I have to run, I prefer to do it alone - avoid the mockery, that sort of thing. So when my wife offered to go running with me, I was less than thrilled with the prospect. While she's seen me at my worst, I still try to avoid reaching new levels of worst. Her 20 minute jogging goal seemed to me a proposal to do exactly that, since the old hams start to hurt at about 5 minutes. But, between Alba's insistence and the fact that we'd be using the action simulator (positioned next to an air conditioner) to do it, rather than heading outside in the hot summer sun, I soon found myself jogging by her side.
Yes, it was painful. Yes, I had trouble keeping my balance when it was done. But Yes, I did it. And I did it again (once again by her side) a few days later. It's amazing the power that a beautiful young woman can have in her husband's life.
Congratulations! I salute you!
Keep up the good work! In February, you'll be glad you did!!!
Do you play some appropriate "Hero Entrance" music while you run?
Do you have some?
Would you like some . . . .?
I don't know about you, but *I* find it a LOT easier to keep going with visions of grand goals in my head, a grand companion at my side, and grand and glorious music pounding in my ears . . .
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