Okay, I've put this off way too long now. It's time to start documenting the rest of our Disney adventures. Rather than a chronological approach or a "land-by-land" approach, I'm going to make use of the over 500 pictures/film clips we took while there and create a Disney photo essay.
I'm going to start with what I think Emie and I both agree was the biggest, coolest thing about the trip as a whole - Disney Divequest.

Yes, as Dad explains in the first video, we're just "people who paid a bunch of money to swim with the fishies," or in our case got Mom and Dad to pay a bunch of money so we could do so. Still, as our first dive since we got certified back in July of '07, it was a fantastic experience, especially since our certification dives were in a hot spring without any life other than us in it. With sharks, rays, beautiful fish and even a couple of endangered turtles, this aquarium dive was truly a wonderful opportunity.
I'm going to start with what I think Emie and I both agree was the biggest, coolest thing about the trip as a whole - Disney Divequest.

Yes, as Dad explains in the first video, we're just "people who paid a bunch of money to swim with the fishies," or in our case got Mom and Dad to pay a bunch of money so we could do so. Still, as our first dive since we got certified back in July of '07, it was a fantastic experience, especially since our certification dives were in a hot spring without any life other than us in it. With sharks, rays, beautiful fish and even a couple of endangered turtles, this aquarium dive was truly a wonderful opportunity.
1 comment:
"How long did you get to swim with the fishies? How fun!"
It's nice they finally released the fish. The first video is of a bunch of divers pretending to be fish. Looks like you had a lot of fun. :)
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